Tuesday 22 March 2011

Day 18: Set or share a goal

I have goals coming out of my ears at the moment. I'm lucky enough to have a set thing that I'm working towards.  I'm not a very career driven person and although my goal will include completing my NQT year it's more of a means to an end...

My medium term goal is to get to Australia. To do this I need to find a job and do a year of teaching. I'm doing it for two reasons. 1) Because it will be awesome fun! 2) it's the only way I can live with my foreign boyfriend in the silly little world.

By September 2011 I need a job
2012 completed
2013 be in Aus
2014 be in NZ
2015 England with Lawrence hopefully :)

Saturday 19 March 2011

Day 17: A photo that makes you sad

When thinking about photos that make me feel sad the first thing that springs to mind is University. I had the time of my life there. People always said "the days you spend at uni will be the best of your life" and it's just SO true. I really found my place there. I fitted in well, had tonnes of friends surrounding me and hours on end of entertainment. I made friends for life. It's tempting to post the photo of the whole of block 3 outside the block. Block 3 was a really special place to live and I loved every second of it. It was painful having to leave and move on. 

...but I did. I cemented my friendship with a selection of really special people and spent the next two years having an even better time. I don't have a good picture of us all together so I've decided to post two. 

My housemates:

and the others:

Masha got in there twice the lucky bugger. 

I've included these photos because these are the people I miss living near the MOST. However, I will see them all much more often now as I've moved to be closer to them :)

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Day 16: Provide pictures of 5 celebrity crushes

So...this guy is the only "celebrity crush" I could think of off the top of my head. Jade and I used to have a whole list of people for our man wall but I've gone off them all. Michael C Hall AKA Dexter is definitely up there though. 

Others include:

And as a tiny kid I was obsessed with this guy for some reason:

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Day 15: A letter to someone you wish you could meet

Dear Roald Amundsen.
You are dead! HOWEVER, we are related and you did really cool things that I know hardly anything about. I'm enormously interested in your life and the things you've accomplished but enormously lazy and easily distracted. I put off researching you and none of the relatives I have who are still alive can tell me much more than I already know. I find history rather dry when I read about it but if we could meet up I'd be able to ask a zillion questions. I feel like the family tree we share is very complicated and mysterious. There are lots of secrets and interesting people in it but I have no idea how to unlock it all. I wonder whether you'd be able to help me...

Over and out, Laura Day. 

P.S. Well done for being all explorery and such. 

Read about him HERE

Friday 25 February 2011

Day 14: A song from your childhood.

The first one that jumps to mind is a lullaby my Mum used to sing me when I was a kid. I've only ever heard it sang by her so when trying to find it on youtube I realised it actually goes a little differently to the version I have in my head. Not QUITE sure why the video shows some ominous scene of poor kitchen hygiene and then pans off backwards as if to indicate that they are all soon to perish but......hey!

Hmm what else....oooo! "Coconut" by Harry Nilsson reminds me of being a kid. My mum always used to play it while we were all tidying our rooms at the same time. It used to make it fun!

Another one....this is the first single I bought. I'm so proud of my 12 year old self. 

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Day 13: Whatever tickles your fancy.

I'm moving soon. So soon. This time next week I will be in my new bedroom. I'm all kinds of excited about it.....I'll have more freedom, more of a social life...more of a life in general.

So why do I feel so uneasy about it? I mean, I'm definitely ready and it's definitely what I want and what I've been pinning all my hopes on for the last 6 months.

Partly it's down to the sadness of leaving my nephews behind. I desperately want to be part of Reece's life as he goes through secondary school because sometimes I feel like I'm the only person he trusts and talks to. Then there's the little ones. They are at an age where they're really close with me but as soon as I go off for a period of time things may change. Leon will probably forget me like Dylan used to, while Dylan will just be less affectionate.

Mostly though, it's the thought of leaving my Mum. Obviously she wants what's best for me but....I worry about both of them because my Dad needs a lot of care and they argue so often... my Mum is likely to hate living here without me and I feel like that would be my fault.

GAH. How's that for a depressing spin on things!?

On a positive note I got together with Liz, Ben, Jade and Tim last week and had an epic time so...swings and roundabouts :]

Monday 21 February 2011

Day 12: A self portrait.

Here I am with short arms, ridiculous fingers and no leg from the knee down. I can draw better in real life. I promise.