Saturday 19 March 2011

Day 17: A photo that makes you sad

When thinking about photos that make me feel sad the first thing that springs to mind is University. I had the time of my life there. People always said "the days you spend at uni will be the best of your life" and it's just SO true. I really found my place there. I fitted in well, had tonnes of friends surrounding me and hours on end of entertainment. I made friends for life. It's tempting to post the photo of the whole of block 3 outside the block. Block 3 was a really special place to live and I loved every second of it. It was painful having to leave and move on. 

...but I did. I cemented my friendship with a selection of really special people and spent the next two years having an even better time. I don't have a good picture of us all together so I've decided to post two. 

My housemates:

and the others:

Masha got in there twice the lucky bugger. 

I've included these photos because these are the people I miss living near the MOST. However, I will see them all much more often now as I've moved to be closer to them :)

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