Friday 25 February 2011

Day 14: A song from your childhood.

The first one that jumps to mind is a lullaby my Mum used to sing me when I was a kid. I've only ever heard it sang by her so when trying to find it on youtube I realised it actually goes a little differently to the version I have in my head. Not QUITE sure why the video shows some ominous scene of poor kitchen hygiene and then pans off backwards as if to indicate that they are all soon to perish but......hey!

Hmm what else....oooo! "Coconut" by Harry Nilsson reminds me of being a kid. My mum always used to play it while we were all tidying our rooms at the same time. It used to make it fun!

Another one....this is the first single I bought. I'm so proud of my 12 year old self. 

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