Wednesday 2 February 2011

DAY 1: Introduce yourself / List your likes and dislikes

Yo! Laura Day is the name. I also go by the nickname Lorg. Furthermore, I have been known to answer to Log, Tron and Tronington. I'm a 22 year old Qualified Primary School Teacher...without a job. I'm also stranded in Newcastle with desperate dreams to move back to the South Coast but have barely 2 pennies to rub together.

This is largely down to the aforementioned bad/exciting decision making. I kinda preferred to travel about the globe with my foreign boyfriend to settling down and looking for a job. I don't regret a single second of it but sometimes I do wish that I was luckier. Or lazy enough to go on Deal or No Deal or something...The Cube might be fun :)

I can't cook, I take no notice of my bank transactions and no interest in budgeting, I need others to help me make decisions, I can't drive, I've never done a big supermarket shop on my own, I can't remember my home telephone number and I stay in bed til the absolute last minute despite the fact that I'm a supply teacher and need to be up and ready at the drop of a hat.

Basically I'm a shambles! The up side is that I have fun and am rarely bored.

  • Not knowing where I'm going to be living this time in 3 years. 
  • In fact...I like not knowing where I'm going to be living this time in 3 months!
  • That I've kept in touch with loads of my Home and Uni friends. 
  • That I live round the corner from my nephews and get to be a part of their lives as they grow up while I'm here. 
  • Bright colours.
  • Watching cartoons.
  • Feeling popular.
  • Challenging myself.
  • Talking on the phone.
  • Sitting about with friends doing nothing in particular.
  • Long train journeys and listening to music while I look out the window. 
  • Looking forward to things.
  • Reading books on my BRAND NEW KINDLE!
  • Living in Newcastle.
  • Missing my friends.
  • Having a Boyfriend who lives 5 hours in the past and on another continent.
  • Growing apart from people.
  • Growing up.
There. I'm sure that was riveting for you. 

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