Monday 7 February 2011

Day 5: A letter to an ex

I've been putting this one off because... well. Everyone knows that there's only one "ex" that I could possibly have anything to say to in a letter. Hmm...I'm forgetting my audience. Strangers mostly.

The person I'm thinking of writing it to is not particularly somebody who I feel I need to speak to. It's just that other ex somebodies ended amicably and are still friends of mine. This particular person is somebody I have a deep disliking for so it felt more worthy of this post.

Hello person I'm glad I escaped from. 
I'm not STILL angry with you. I was once. My dislike towards you is purely down to the fact that we were amazingly close and then suddenly I was treated like shit because, ultimately, you felt guilty about what you'd been doing.

I've chosen to write to you because I'd like to thank you! I'm really pleased that everything happened the way it did, because if I hadn't met such a little wanker in 2007, things may have turned out differently. That would be awful because I've currently never been happier. I have amazing friends and a boyfriend thousands of times more of a man than you were.


Yours sincerely, Laura J Day  


  1. You don't get a rainbow without the rain, eh Log? Also I like the idea of seeing hair boy with the circus theme playing. You know - do do do do do do do do do do.
