Saturday 5 February 2011

DAY 4: A photo of you taken over ten years ago

Here she is!!!

I was three here and tall for it. My little brother had just been born and I was being all older sisterish and trying to help my Mum. Actually I've decided there's not much to even say about this photo cause I don't even remember it. I'll find another.

This is JUST under 10 years ago but I thought it was interesting and it's my b-log (thanks Tony!) so in it goes. This was the day of my 13th birthday. Yes, my brother was fat then. Yes I am dressed like a retard. Anyway, my parents took us to London for the day and we went on the London Eye. I totally ruined this day for everyone. I was really struggling with the idea of becoming a teenager. I felt like it meant I had to start growing up and stop being a kid. It over whelmed me and I cried a bit on the way to the ol' Eye. I didn't know how to articulate my feelings so I just looked sulky and ungrateful and my parents got annoyed with me. I just wanted to feel like they'd look after me all the time.

Weirdly I felt like that again this evening when I realised that I will be moving out again very soon.

Look at his fat little elbows!

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